Penner's Garlic Farm

We grow 4 varieties of garlic, all of which are hardneck.

Marbled Purple Stripe – Nordic

A vigorous variety that comes with a strong flavour and lots of heat. It develops fat cloves and produces very large bulbs. Bulbs are uniform with an average of 4 to 7 cloves per bulb. Generally stores for 3 to 5 months.

Purple Stripe – Russian Red 

An Eastern European treasure that is fiery with a mellow and smooth aftertaste. It has heat when eaten raw and a wonderfully rich, complex garlicky flavour when cooked. Each bulb has 10 to 14 cloves. Stores for 6 to 8 months.

Porcelain – Big Boy

Extremely vigorous and can produce huge bulbs, over 3 inches in size. The flavour is sweet and consistent. Bulbs are uniform with large cloves, 4 to 6 cloves per bulb. Stores up to 6 months.

Porcelain – Music

One of the most widely grown garlic varieties among Canadian gardeners. Cloves are hot when eaten raw, sweet when baked and mild when cooked. Bulbs are large with 4 to 6 cloves per bulb. Stores up to 6 months.