Download a PDF version of the Uxbridge Farmers’ Market Vendor Code of Ethics here.


To assure transparency and growth in our industry on a basis of mutual respect, fairness and integrity, and ever-mindful of the public welfare, I, as a Vendor of the Uxbridge Farmers’ Market have adopted and do hereby subscribe to the following Code of Ethics:

  • I am a producer of locally grown/raised/made products.

  • I will present a well-kept display, plainly priced and described, with origin of product clearly marked. I will sell an honest pack, well filled, and meeting stated grade.

  • I will NOT use false or deceptive statements in my marketing/advertising.

  • I will train any staff or volunteers representing my business to conduct

    themselves in a respectful and courteous manner.

  • I will maintain a clean, attractive market stall.

  • I will bring any issues forward to the Market Manager, and will not confront

    another vendor or create an uncomfortable working environment for fellow vendors. Should I not be satisfied, I will escalate to the Board of Directors by sending an email.

  • I will observe all laws, rules and regulations of the Uxbridge Farmers’ Market.

  • I will abide by all rules and regulations set by the Durham Region Health

    Department and other relevant regulating agencies.

  • I will notify the Market Manager in advance for the days I cannot participate at

    the market.

  • I will actively promote the Uxbridge Farmers’ Market, recognizing that it takes all

    of our efforts to make this market successful.

  • I have read and understood the “Uxbridge Farmers’ Market Vendor Rules &


By submitting my application, I acknowledge that I have read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by it. I understand that violation of the Code of Ethics may result in my vendorship being revoked should the Board of Directors feel it necessary to do so.